Givin Thanks
While there ARE all the traditional things that I am full of Thanks for this Holiday Season, I can't help but be overwhelmed by Thanks for the common, every day stuff that I usually take for granted.
I'm thankful for a husband who picks up the dog-dookie as his regular chore. Seriously, I would have had to either sell the dog or move a lo
ng time ago as that I NOT something I can stomach. Gimme a loaded diaper, an unidentifyable leftover from this past Spring excavated from the deep recesses of the fridge, or even a backed up toilet-I can sail through it. But dog mess? Y
ah, I'm good.
I'm thankful that my kids play together so well-MOST days-ok, SOME days-ok, ok, on rare occasions like these~

I'm thankful that my son is SO funny, creative, and LOVES to jump off of things. Yup-he threw a mesh bag up to the 1970's popcorn/asbestos ceiling and it stuck, FORCING him to throw his ball at a number of times before knocking it down.
I'm thankful that my kids are friendly, accepting, and get along with OTHER kids. More days than not, there are other people's kids in my home -over for playdates and American Girl Tea Parties and to enjoy the time with our kids. I'm also thankful that when our kids get invited to other people's homes, the parents comment favorably on their behavior. I find it ODD that they can run, jump, scream, laugh hysterically, pull pranks, drop sticky stuff on the carpet, tease the dog, taunt the baby, knock stuff off the walls, wipe their hands on clothes, ATTEMPT to talk back, snear at their sister, poke their brother, and generally act like zoo animals while they home, yet always seem to pull out 'Please', and 'Thank you', and following house rules, being considerate of others and rules, and conduct themselves as if they are visiting The Queen of England while at SOMEONE ELSE'S home.
And, yes, I am thankful for that as well.
It's all a Day In The Life~
I'm thankful for a husband who picks up the dog-dookie as his regular chore. Seriously, I would have had to either sell the dog or move a lo

I'm thankful that my kids play together so well-MOST days-ok, SOME days-ok, ok, on rare occasions like these~

I'm thankful that my son is SO funny, creative, and LOVES to jump off of things. Yup-he threw a mesh bag up to the 1970's popcorn/asbestos ceiling and it stuck, FORCING him to throw his ball at a number of times before knocking it down.

And, yes, I am thankful for that as well.
It's all a Day In The Life~
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