Moooooommmm~~~ Where's my Halloween Candy??????
Ok, so I let the Halloween candy stick around a bit too long. Until last weekend to be exact, thankyouverymuch. The thing is, no one EVER asked for a piece-not even a teeny-tiny one since that God-awful night- so I just had it hanging on a hook in the kitchen 'just in case'. Oh, and because my great-grandpa taught me to never, EVER throw out ANY kind of food. Plus, it's candy! So there it hung. And we're talking 3 HUGE grocery bags of the stuff.
Until last weekend.
I got on a purging spree and started chucking stuff. I'm not sure the garbage man will actually take our can tomorrow morning cuz it's resembling the Leading Tower of Pisa right now, albeit not so asthetic. So I tossed the FIVE MONTH OLD candy last weekend when the kids weren't watching.
Fast forward to tonight:
Gus-yelling from the kitchen: "mom, can I have dessert?"
Me: "sure Gus, what would you like?" (he usually asks for a popsickle or a pudding)
Gus: "hum....I'd like some candy."
Me: what?!?!? "What?"
Gus: "yah, some candy-hey! Where's my Halloween candy?"
Me: crap! "What? What Halloween candy? Hey look, there's PopRocks in the cerea
l bar jar-go grab those!!!" whew!
For now, I can TOTA
LLY work that kid!
For now.
He chose Alexander Graham Bell for his Persons Who Made A Difference report and play. He kept calling him Alexander 'Gray Ham' Bell and it just CRACKED ME UP! He did super and even grew this mustache for the event. Impressive!...
For his project, he made a tin can/string telephone and IT WAS A HIT!!! I was surprised that he didn't do something more elaborate because that's his M.O.-but this was perfect!
His drum lessons are going well. He's taking lessons from a kid in the neighborhood. Tyler is in 8th grade but has been asked to perform with the high school this year because he's so good. He's a super kid and a great influence on Gus so it's a good fit. Tyler says Gus has a real talent for this-so I guess that means that the tap-tap-tap-tap-tappa-tap-tap-tappa-tap-tap-tap going on ALL DAY IN MY HOUSE AND DRIVING MY CRAZY isn't going to end soon! Oy!
We tried out wrestling and Gus had a good run of it. Then they changed venues-2 times / week and practicing with MUCH bigger boys so we opted out. Right now, we're between sports. He dusted off the skatebo
ard last weekend and has been putting some mileage on it lately. Today, we took off the 'handle' and now he's really crusin'! I caught him without his wrist guards on (thank goodness the helmet doesn't come off-he's good about that one!) today and made him put on his old cast from a few summers ago when he broke his wrist the day school was out and he had to spend most of the summer with this bulky, crummy cast on. We had a long talk about how NOT FUN that would be to repeat. I don't think I'll have to tell him again.

He's totally into his inventions now. He'll get up at 5 or 5:30 AM when he's working on something. Obsess much?
, his hair is getting too long! He will NOT let me cut it or take him to get it cut! It's driving me crazy! He's even taken to chewing on the front parts that he can reach so now he's got a modified Dorothy Hamill thing going on! Here, they went to the police station with the scouts. I tried to convince him that they WOULD lock someone up for too long hair. That went over like a lead zeppelin!
They are all having a BLAST with the Wii (THANKS Alabama and Florida Wags!). I even caught Gus playing with Zoe on Mario Bros the other day when none of the rest of us could play him. Perhaps SHE can beat him!
Zoe is Zoe.
She has happy days.

She has sad days.
She has days with and without pants.
She is a HANDFULL!!!
And I'm loving EVERY minute of it!
She's currently on Nap Strike. This is her during nap time having climbed out of he
r crib and hanging onto the net-thing that supposed to keep her in-silly manufacturers!
Then she gets so darned tired she falls asleep on my foot in the middle of the kitchen floor as I'm trying to prepar
e dinner.
But WHO can resist this cutie?!?!?

Claire is perfect, as usual! She is inordinately busy right now and I guess it's my fault. She's taking piano, violin, playing softball, is in a play at school, taking a math course before school 2x/week, and in a book club. That's a LOT for a newly 10 year old. That's a LOT for a newly 10 year old's mom!!! Someone mentioned to me the other day, "oh, you're a stay-at-home mom" and I replied, "no, I'm a stay-in-the-van mom!!!" We're simply not home that often!

For her 10th birthday, we had a GIRLS ROCK PARTY! We had Rock Stars~
And Food~

And VERY strict judging for the Talent Competition!
It was SO MUCH FUN and definitely a 3 Tylenol night! Thanks to Vava for helping out and laughing with me!
So for now, the babies are in bed and I'm off to catch as many zzzzsss as I can before Zoe wakes me at 3 am just to 'chat'. She's been doing this lately. Did I mention that she's a handfull?!?!!?
Until last weekend.
I got on a purging spree and started chucking stuff. I'm not sure the garbage man will actually take our can tomorrow morning cuz it's resembling the Leading Tower of Pisa right now, albeit not so asthetic. So I tossed the FIVE MONTH OLD candy last weekend when the kids weren't watching.
Fast forward to tonight:
Gus-yelling from the kitchen: "mom, can I have dessert?"
Me: "sure Gus, what would you like?" (he usually asks for a popsickle or a pudding)
Gus: "hum....I'd like some candy."
Me: what?!?!? "What?"
Gus: "yah, some candy-hey! Where's my Halloween candy?"
Me: crap! "What? What Halloween candy? Hey look, there's PopRocks in the cerea

For now, I can TOTA

For now.
He chose Alexander Graham Bell for his Persons Who Made A Difference report and play. He kept calling him Alexander 'Gray Ham' Bell and it just CRACKED ME UP! He did super and even grew this mustache for the event. Impressive!...

His drum lessons are going well. He's taking lessons from a kid in the neighborhood. Tyler is in 8th grade but has been asked to perform with the high school this year because he's so good. He's a super kid and a great influence on Gus so it's a good fit. Tyler says Gus has a real talent for this-so I guess that means that the tap-tap-tap-tap-tappa-tap-tap-tappa-tap-tap-tap going on ALL DAY IN MY HOUSE AND DRIVING MY CRAZY isn't going to end soon! Oy!
We tried out wrestling and Gus had a good run of it. Then they changed venues-2 times / week and practicing with MUCH bigger boys so we opted out. Right now, we're between sports. He dusted off the skatebo

He's totally into his inventions now. He'll get up at 5 or 5:30 AM when he's working on something. Obsess much?

They are all having a BLAST with the Wii (THANKS Alabama and Florida Wags!). I even caught Gus playing with Zoe on Mario Bros the other day when none of the rest of us could play him. Perhaps SHE can beat him!
Zoe is Zoe.
She has happy days.

She has sad days.

She has days with and without pants.

She is a HANDFULL!!!

And I'm loving EVERY minute of it!
She's currently on Nap Strike. This is her during nap time having climbed out of he

Then she gets so darned tired she falls asleep on my foot in the middle of the kitchen floor as I'm trying to prepar

But WHO can resist this cutie?!?!?

Claire is perfect, as usual! She is inordinately busy right now and I guess it's my fault. She's taking piano, violin, playing softball, is in a play at school, taking a math course before school 2x/week, and in a book club. That's a LOT for a newly 10 year old. That's a LOT for a newly 10 year old's mom!!! Someone mentioned to me the other day, "oh, you're a stay-at-home mom" and I replied, "no, I'm a stay-in-the-van mom!!!" We're simply not home that often!

For her 10th birthday, we had a GIRLS ROCK PARTY! We had Rock Stars~

And VERY strict judging for the Talent Competition!

It was SO MUCH FUN and definitely a 3 Tylenol night! Thanks to Vava for helping out and laughing with me!
So for now, the babies are in bed and I'm off to catch as many zzzzsss as I can before Zoe wakes me at 3 am just to 'chat'. She's been doing this lately. Did I mention that she's a handfull?!?!!?